Creamy chocolate center, surrounded by vanilla ice cream and coated with a cake crunch. Artificially flavor added. 2.75oz Toffee flavored ice cream with a chocolate coating and toffee bits. Artificial flavor added. 2.75oz Chocolate flavored frozen dairy confections. 2.5oz Vanilla flavored ice cream bars topped with milk chocolate and crisped rice. Artificial flavor added. 2.75oz Vanilla ice cream bars topped with a premium chocolate coating. Artificial flavor added. 2.75oz Strawberry flavored ice cream surrounded by a layer of vanilla ice cream, with a strawberry shortcake crunch topping. Artificially flavored. 2.75oz Orange sherbet swirled with vanilla ice cream. Artificial flavor added. 2.5oz Chocolate flavored frozen dairy confections. Artificial flavor added. 2.5oz Vanilla ice cream coated with milk chocolate. Artificial flavor added. 2.5oz
Chocolate Eclair Bars
English Toffee Bars
Fudge Bars
Krispy Krunch Bars
Just Dipped Bars
Strawberry Shortcake Bars
Dream Bars
Fudge Bars
Ice Cream Bars